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Welcome to our Website

The African French Speaking Organisation "AFSOR" is a registered charity that provides disadvantaged children and families, disabled, young and elderly people with additional education, training, sports, recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interest of social welfare

News Desk

Each day on the News desk, our volunteers from the news team bring you news about our activities, trainings, workshops and many more

Light Bulb

Our trainings will equip you with the necessary skills and capabilities you need to be there for the community. Also, it will help you develop personally and boost your confidence

Image by Patrick Perkins

The Online learning area is for registered students only. You will need to have your password and student identification number to access the area. You can start learning now with support by phone and email.

Image by Surface


 "I would like to say thank you to Afsor for its support and advice regarding my education. I have spent a very very difficult moment in my life, especially to integrate the UK society. And Because English is not my first language, it was very hard; from understanding how things work to getting educated and secure employment, AFSOR has played a vital role. Once more thank you."

Jonas Mutombo

Latest Project

French Courses for All Ages

We are running French Courses for all ages. Our tutors are qualified and passionate about their subject. 

French is easy to learn. With our courses, you will exercise your brain and improve  your confidence. You will meet people and have fun.

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Request a Call Back

Thanks for requesting a call back. We shall be in touch soon. us!

AFSOR is a registered Charity in England and Wales No 1118459

With the support of: 

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